Planning Director - City of Sebastopol, California
Sebastopol is a small semi-urban community ideally situated in Northern California 50 miles north of San Francisco. The City currently has a population of about 7,800 residents yet serves a trade area population in excess of 50,000 people. The Planning Department provides planning and environmental review assistance to the City Council, and has responsibility for staffing the Planning Commission, Design Review Board, Tree Board, and Public Arts Committee, as well as providing service to residents and the real estate, development and construction industries. Current planning includes staffing a public counter, responding to questions from potential applicants and members of the public, assisting the Building Official in enforcement efforts, receiving and processing applications for land use permits, subdivision and other development permits, preparing staff reports for the Council and City boards and commissions, preparing agenda packets and minutes for assigned committees, and performing inspections to assure compliance with zoning, environmental, and other planning regulations. Advance planning includes preparation of long-range planning documents, including the General Plan, Specific Plans, grant preparation, park and community facility planning, special studies, and new policy documents and ordinances. The Department also takes a lead role in formulation of park policy, applies for and administers park-related grants, and has managed park development projects. The ideal candidate will have extensive knowledge of the principles, theories, legal requirements, and methodologies of City Planning and the functioning of City Government. Bachelor’s degree from a four-year college or university; and three years related experience; or equivalent combination of education and experience in planning, environmental studies, geography or related field with at least two years in a supervisory capacity. The salary range is from $110,652 to $134,496
DOQE with excellent benefits and a 4% salary increase is scheduled for July 1, 2018.
Filing deadline is April 23, 2018.
Resumes are acknowledged within 2 business days.