General Manager - Humboldt Community Services District, California
The Humboldt Community Services District is located in Humboldt County 280 miles north of San Francisco and features 160 miles of unspoiled coastline, hundreds of thousands of acres of majestic coastal redwood trees, wild rivers, bustling seaports, quaint farming communities and fascinating historical areas. The District provides sewer collection, water distribution, and street lighting services. This includes water to approximately 7,400 residential connections, 360 commercial connections, and 20 landscape irrigation connections. The District also maintains more than 180 miles of water and wastewater pipeline, ten water storage tanks and more than 40 wastewater and water pumping stations over a 15 square-mile area. The Board of Directors is seeking a seasoned manager and highly resourceful leader with a strong knowledge of policy, regulatory, and compliance issues within the water and wastewater industry as well as strengths in finance, engineering, public relations and personnel matters. The District has 20 staff and a FY 2019-20 Operating Budget of $10.8 million. Any combination of education and experience that would allow the selected candidate to perform the functions of the position is qualifying. Preferred are five to seven years of broad and extensive work experience in the administration of water and sewer utility systems along with a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and registration as a Professional Engineer and/or certifications for Water Distribution/Treatment or Sewer Collection/Treatment. The salary range is from $115,176 to $140,004 with excellent benefits.
Filing deadline is February 18, 2020.
Resumes are acknowledged within 2 business days.