County Manager - County of San Mateo, California

Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, San Mateo County’s nearly 765,000 residents enjoy a diverse, multi-cultural citizenry; cosmopolitan ambiance; temperate climate; and clean air. The County has enjoyed a stable, professional, and collegial 5-member Board of Supervisors; long-tenured County Manager and County Counsel; and 5,500 dedicated and talented department heads and employees. The 2017/18 all fund budget is $2.8 billion. The wealthiest county in the state with a AAA bond rating, San Mateo County is a fiscally sound organization with healthy reserves that has proactively addressed pension liability. Over $750 million of exciting construction projects are ongoing and projected over the next six years. With the upcoming retirement of John Maltbie, the next County Manager has the opportunity to be part of one of the most exciting times in the County’s history. A Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university in business or public administration or related disciplines is required. A Master’s degree is preferred. The ideal candidate brings proven executive leadership experience within a County organization. The current County Manager’s annual salary is $398,237; the incoming Manager’s salary will be based upon the experience and qualifications of the selected candidate.

Filing deadline is May 21, 2018.
Resumes are acknowledged within 2 business days.